I have a folder called CLIENTS, inside this folder has client subfolders.
what can i do to get this behavior:
All folders inside the CLIENTS folders will be listed alphabetically, but once i click on a subfolder and view its contents, i want the contents to be sorted by modified date (latest file on top). And this behavior has to apply to existing and any new folders that I create inside the Clients folder
1.) Go to Preferences -> Folders -> Folder Formats.
1.) Click on the Drop-down New icon at the top -> Wild Card Path
2.) Enter in your full \Clients\ path followed by a trailing * (example N:\Clients*)
3.) Click on the Columns check box and make all the changes needed (Changing the sort order etc).
4.) Click OK
But i don't see how the above procedure would enable my parent folder listing to be different from the child folder listings.
Ex: CLIENTS folder will display all subfolders in alphabetical order, but when you click on one of the subfolders, it will list all files in that particular folder sorted by modified date instead of alphabetical order.
Sorry, I had it all written down in like 11 steps like what Leo said in 2. But then I tested and found I didn't need to set the first normal path. Forgetting that my folders were already setup in the correct sorting.
When you make the Normal Folder format. Make sure you go to the Options tab and uncheck "Use as the default format for all sub-folders". Leave that option checked in the Wildcard folder format.