Direct Folders

I was talking about listary.
Features I can't get to work, anyone found a solution? If not, I will try on Listary forum.

  1. In open/save dialog I choose Smart -> open the file selected in file manager. I would suppose it will open (or save to) file that is selected in DOpus. But it doesn't work.
  2. In most application Listary helps with searching through items even if I don't know the beginning of a name. So if I type "software" it will automatically find "GPSoftware" in Explorer. But if I want to do the same in Opus, so I hit Win+S (show listary toolbar hotkey) and type "software", it will search recent locations but not files in current lister.

Any ideas?
I know it looks like it's more related to Listary than Opus, but then again, here are more people using Opus so there might be someone who already found out how to solve these problems.

Both of these things don't work for me too, so I suppose they're not supported. I believe that support for DO is not as full as for Explorer, so it's probably good to write a post about it in Listary forum - I hope the developer can add these features

Probaby Admin could move these posts to a separate thread about Listary.

It doesn't even open any DOpus lister. (open the file selected in file manager)
But I'm waiting for Listary 4 (current version is 3.51xx) which was promised to be released today.

Talking about alternatives to Direct Folders, I would suggest this free app that I developed and that I use everyday with DOpus: Quick Access Popup (aka Folders Popup). I updated and improved it constantly since 2014. As of July 2020, it is at v10.5.2.

You can download it for free on or get support on .

And for specific info about DOpus and QAP, see:

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thanks! I tried this about a year ago but it just didn't seem as responsive as Listiary 5. I realize Listiary is pretty much abandonware at this point, but it still seems to work flawlessly for me.

Perhaps I'm missing something though. I expect I'll have to leave my current solution at some point since it's never updated anymore.

Hi. Maybe you should give a new try to QAP. Many DOpus users like it and there are many other features than you could find useful...


Hello jnllnd
I've been using listary for a long time.
Have now tried qap. Really nice program. BUT the biggest problem with it is that the function I use most often: "Reopen Current Folder In Dialog Box" is extremely slow and only works 8 out of 10 times (Sometimes i have to click the hotkey 3 to 4 times).
With Listary this similiar function ALWAYS works and is much faster.
Maybe you can tune up this function :wink:

Hi Subway,

Thanks for the feedback. QAP is changing the folder inside a dialog box by sending keys to it (like hotkey macros do). This approach makes it easier to maintain vis Windows internal changes. But it can happens that the action fails. In my experience, sometimes I have to hit the "Reopen Current Folder in Dialog Box" shortcut (Shift+Ctrl+U) twice to get the folder changed. But this usually works the first time. And it is never slow.


I was just about to post the question if buttons can somehow send key triggers -- but this method is better!
Thanx Sri!

I have used DirectFolders for a couple of decades. In the past several years it would often blow up and could not be restarted without logging off/on. But in the past year they have completely rewritten it and it no longer has the problem. It is very similar to Favorites in Opus but has the advantage of working in File Open and Save As. I can refer to Opus Favorites periodically to keep DirectFolders up to date.

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is this exactly what listary does too?
how does performance compare?. thanx ill check it out