Directory Opus 12 Public Beta


Beta 4 (12.0.4) is now available.


This version includes translations for English, French, Spanish, Greek and Japanese. Other languages are in translation and will be made available as they are completed.

8th April update: Dutch added.
11th April update: German and Hungarian added.
12th April update: Swedish added.
22nd April update: Norwegian added.
25th April update: Polish added.
30th April update: Russian and Spanish (Mexico) added.

Please report any translation issues using the Opus 12 Beta Translations area.


Changes in 12.0.4 Beta:

  • Fixed image viewer crash when marking a file which could not be thumbnailed.
  • Fixed crash in 32-bit builds when opening Folder Options or the Preferences pages for the Status Bar or Icon Sets.
  • User commands can now query the state of the image viewer, allowing for more complex commands to be assigned under Preferences / Viewer / Mouse Buttons. As an example, this could be bound to a mouse button to make it toggle between 100% zoom and Grow To Page modes:
    @if:Show VIEWERCMD=zoom,reset
    Show VIEWERCMD=zoom,grow
    Show VIEWERCMD=zoom,reset
  • Fixed crash if a script closed the sync panel and then the dual file display, in very specific circumstances.
  • Fixed blank dropdown controls in the Create New FTP Site dialog.
  • Fixed problem with Properties SETLABEL !submenu command generating errant buttons on the toolbar.
  • Fixed redundant small letters appearing over Go DRIVEBUTTONS icons if the individual buttons had labels off but the toolbar's override forced them on.
  • Fixed the new Go DRIVEBUTTONS=iconletterson and iconlettersoff arguments not being present in the Command Editor menus.
  • Fixed some minor cosmetic issues with drop-down controls in the script dialog editor and also the dialogs it generates.
  • Fixed a checkbox in the Edit Tab Group dialog moving around when the dialog was resized.
  • Fixed collapsible grouped list controls on Windows XP. On XP, these lists remain grouped but the groups are always expanded. (In general, we aim to keep Opus functioning on Windows XP but will not waste time making things perfect for it. Windows XP is so old that Microsoft no longer release security updates, and debugging tools have not worked on it for years.)