Directory Opus 13.11.3 (Beta)

:warning: This is a beta release. It may be unstable. Some text may not be translated yet. Use at your own risk!

:inbox_tray: Download manually, or use Help > Check for Program Updates (if beta versions are enabled in Preferences / Internet / Updates).

  • Added Preferences / File Displays / Options / Info Tips / Only with key held down option.

  • Added Preferences / Toolbars / Options / Alt key activates toolbar keyboard mode option. Split the floating toolbar related controls from Preferences / Toolbars / Options to a new page.

  • Scripts can now receive a full list of file changes performed by functions run via the Command object. To use this, set the Command.logchanges property to true before running the command. Any file changes made will be listed in the object you can retrieve via Command.results after the command returns.

  • Popup menus now temporarily disable any IME that's active, allowing accelerator keys to be pressed on Chinese/Japanese systems.

  • Fixed several issues relating to the script editor when editing an include file both directly and via another script that includes it.

  • Scripts that use include files are now automatically reinitialised if the files they include are modified.

  • Fixed NOAUTORUN losing the collection name with Find DUPES command.

  • Fixed Select FILTERDEF namestem match swapping the source/destination windows when run from a script

  • Fixed crash when searching on an evaluator column that references a script column.

  • Fix for reported crash (ID 394).