Windows 7, SP1 , I have my son's computer , Directory Opus was there, and now cannot log in, it sits in a loop and shows hourglass, Windows Explorer is damaged and dies. So I have no task bar at the bottom. How do I fix his account. Any help would be appreciated.
I get a windows explorer has stopped working.
Are you sure it is Opus causing the problem?
Which version of Opus is it? How long was it installed for before the problem started?
It was 9.5, it was on for awhile, his company gave him a new laptop and tried to move all files,so they may have done something also.
How do you know this is related to Opus and not something else?
How were the files moved over? Are we talking about the user profile or something more than that, e.g. program files as well?
They didn't try to migrate a 32-bit machine's software + settings to a 64-bit machine, did they?
Thank you for your help, I will check. I think it was opus since I once had a similar problem where opus did not transfer control properly and I had the exact error in xp.