Directory Opus frozen accessing Libraries

This is after restarting the computer, clicked on Libraries in the Favorites Bar and nothing happens, the Busy spinner appears after a while and takes about 5 minutes to stop spinning, the library list does not appear. Closing Directory Opus through task manager and restarting and try again, same thing happens. Cannot do crash dump as it's not crashing.

update: seems to be happening trying to access any lists on the Favorites Bar.

this is what happens when i try to do a ss of the favorites bar

update 2: is happening trying to click icons on the main toolbar - whole program is unuseable atm.
Hmmm - allowing me to change view mode from main toolbar and close the Favorites Bar but if I try to open the Folder Tree it freezes again. Okay folder tree has appeared after only a couple of minutes and can access the libraries from the folder tree. Closed folder tree, opened favorites bar and clicked on libraries - frozen again/

Please send us some snapshots: Manually generating process snapshots

some hours later - wake from sleep - all working now - will try to reproduce