Directory Opus FTP - How reliable?

I just transferred (downloaded) 1 Gb of files via FTP using DOPUS Copy. I received no error message but did not sit there and watch the progress bar.

I came back long after the copy progress was over.

I checked the size of my downloads compared to the files on the server.

There was 1.1 MB difference!

After searching for a while, I found that one file, 1.1 MB size on my local machine was not there, even though it was there on the server. Another copy operation on just this one file fixed it.

Is this a bug?

How reliable is DOPUS FTP supposed to be? In Filezilla I get a list of "Successful Transfers" and "Failed Transfers." I was hoping DOpus would not need such a list and pop up some big error dialog telling me if anything at all went wrong with my FTP process.

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For now I switched back to Filezilla to be safe.

Is there anything special or different about that file compared to the others?

Was it definitely there, visible in the lister, and selected when the copy was done? (e.g. Could it have been created after the copy was started?)

Are there any message about the file in the FTP log?

Is it a file type where antivirus could be involved, e.g. silently removing the file the first time it was downloaded?

a) no, b) yes, c) I cannot tell which part of the log refers to this particular file.

d) hmm that could be the culprit. Will have to test that again after disabling viruskiller.