Hello Everyone, Hello Developers. Thank you for this awesome piece of software. I know that this subject appears from time to time, still the lasted update is 3 years old.
Does the Directory Opus team plan to develop a MacOs version within the next 2 years ? I'm sure there's definitely a big market on that platform.
In my knowledge, there's currently only one serious MacOs alternative (PathFinder by Cocoatech), which is quite good but definitely not as complete as Dopus to say the least (and using Dopus on a virtual machine is clunky and buggy). Do someone knows a better alternative on MacOs platform ?
Again, thank you for this awesome software that I enjoyed using on Windows platform.
I think the developers have more than proved their abilities and now it falls on those wanting a port the task of organizing a crowdfunding big enough to show that there is demand. (I doubt they would refuse a big lump of money.)
I wonder what would be the legality of creating a DO 12 clone (with most feature-parity and general look & feel) for Mac and/or Linux (without using any DO proprietary resources such as icons/artwork and names of stuff).
I'd imagine somebody who is freshly/young retired, with all the newfound free time, could venture about a project like that. Otherwise it'd be prohibitively time-demanding project.