Directory Opus slow in starting and opening or changing folder windows

Dear all,

Since a recent Windows update (I cannot tell which one exactly, it happened about a week ago), Directory Opus has been behaving differently, with huge latencies for most actions done: starting, browsing folders, changing folders, etc.

A lot of time (a lot more than 10 seconds) passes before the action is done, and it makes the whole program unusable.

I use a dual vertical layout, with a folder list on the left.
Sometimes, when such latencies or delays come up, a third, thin, window appears on the right side of the dual panel, within DO's general window.

I have experienced this in the past (about 9 months ago), and could only solve it by restoring Windows 10 to a preceding state, with Windows' Backup and Restore tool.

Uninstalling and re-installing DO did not help at the time, and I did not try this time.
When it started happening this time, I immediately ran a virus and other malware search, but my computer was found clear.

I am out of ideas now, and would like to see the problem solved.
I can provide further information regarding the computer equipment, OS, versions, etc., but the only thing that changed recently was a Windows update.

Thanks for any hint.
Best regards,


Windows 10 or 11?

Please send us some process snapshots made during the delays: Manually generating process snapshots

Could you post a screenshot of that window? It might be a clue about what's happening, especially if it's from something other than Opus.

This is Windows 10.

I made 4 process snapshots (I caused it to happen by browsing folders). I created dumps as long as the freezing ocurred.

How shall I send you the dump files and the screenshots?


Screenshots can be posted here, unless there's something private in them.

How to send the dumps is included in the post I linked to about how to make the dumps.

You have a network drive (\\XIII) that is either very slow or unreachable. Every time Opus asks Windows for the details of something on that drive, it can delay for up to 30 seconds before timing out.

This is not what happens here. The browsing activity consists in browsing local folders on the computer.

When a network drive that is not reachable is called, a message appears and I can always click on Abort to interrupt the process.
This is very quick, and very different to the general slowness issue reported.

DO really halts for long seconds before starting (when run, nothing happens visually until the program opens a long time after), before opening a folder and even before launching whatever file is opened by double-clicking on it (i.e. standard Word or PDF files).

Again, this did not happen before a week ago, until something was changed (but nothing like adding a network drive or the sort). I suspect the change came with a Windows system update (not upgrade).

The network drive is shown in the folder tree, which is where the problem is happening.

Which means?
I don't understand.

The folder tree displays favorites. Favorites are not necessarily connected drives. There are other network drives listed.

The difference I can spot for XIII is that it is a Windows 11 system, whereas XII and XI are Windows 10 computers.

The folder tree potentially displays every drive and folder.

Check if closing the tree stops the problem from happening. If it still happens then there may be an issue somewhere else. But the snapshots you sent indicate the tree is getting stuck asking Windows about that network drive for some reason.

We've making a change in the next version which will hopefully avoid the problem, if it's what it looks like from the snapshots.

For a temporary workaround, turning off either (or both) of these may avoid the issue without having to close the tree:

  • Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Folders - Favorites
  • Preferences / Folder Tree / Appearance / Use configured file display colors for tree items

Right, I will try and let you know.

The issue was solved in part by opening (launching) the computer named XIII.
From that moment, DO began to behave normally (when browsing local folders). So this is indeed related to XIII being queried, even when the machine is disconnected and even when browsing local folders on XII only.

I checked one more thing: for a reason that I don't remember, XIII is also a "local account" user on XII, in Family & other users, Other users:

I am not sure why this is. XIII was configured after XII and XIII is now a Windows 11 machine.

In any case, I now turned off both Display/Appearance options in Preferences, too, to make sure everything was made to solve the problem.

I've recently starting having the same latency issuer with dopus. used to be instant now theres a 5 to 10 second delay when navigating folders both from the lister and folder tree. ive tried changing the favorites such as you mentioned, it did nothing to remedy the delay.

i am using v13.55 beta. [and been loving it!]
ive been lvoing dopus for 4 years! this is one of the first "issues" that has been a hinderance. all in the way of say... if you need more info ie screen shots or debug logs.. ect.. I do not how or where to send them yet.

should i start a new thread or any ideas of what to change.


Process snapshots (made during the delay) are a good place to start if you can’t think of any recent system/config changes that coincided with the delay.

sending manually dump snapshot thru wetransfer.

yes there have a been a few new software and hardware additions. plus a windows update. im on fresh, 3 old, install of win10 and try to limit the update to security only. i have tried disabling and even uninstalling some of these softwares to no avail.

im just now noticing going back is fine. going deeper in causes that delay.

hopefully something easily stands to you in the .dmps.

thank you

The snapshots show Opus wasn't waiting for anything to complete when they were taken, so it's unclear why there was any delay.

I noticed you have AquaSnap installed. I don't know much about it, but problems have been caused by similar tools. May be worth a try to uninstall it and reboot to see if it's involved, perhaps. (Don't just disable it; the hooks can still cause problems even when configured not to do anything.)

Other components in the process which might get involved (although nothing points to them specifically):


i am\was completely stumped myself. ive been using those for over a year without them interfering with Dopus. i have had them interfer with other apps; heavy hitters like lightroom and photoshop thou not dopus. i did consider them and tried uninstalling hand big handful of other things for two days. i even uninstalled dopus v13, put back v12 with my backups from 7 months ago. lol. it was still acting up.

i was a few days into a fresh reinstall of windows so i cut my looses and started over last night. all of those in that list are back dopus is running as it should. .... i let windows do a full feature update then tried to block its telemetry and i think that what cause the problem. i haven't updated on this fresh install yet so fingers crossed when i do.


.... so as i said i spent the past 2.5 days building a fresh install of my system. it, and dopus, have been running fantastic. right up up until i installed The "MacType" Wizard ( then Dopus became buggish-ly slow again, lagging and stuttering. i quickly uninstalled and its fine after a reboot.

this service renders smoother text throughout the system. im using a large screen TV as monitor. so text has some fringing because of the low pixel density compared to proper computer monitors.

i should note this seemed to only effect dopus. everything else in the system was smooth as butter.

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