This doesn't appear to be a current issue I think, I've had this problem for quite some time now.
I open a dual directory lister with a local directory on the left side, and a remote directory on the right (local NAS).
The remote directory usually has hundreds of files and directories inside and I move a local file over.
After the move operation neither of the listers get refreshed so I have to hit F5 on both of them to see that the file
was actually moved. If I create a new folder on the remote directory it doesn't show either until I hit F5.
If I open a new local lister it will behave the same even though it should be unrelated to the other dual lister.
It has happened that even after I have closed all listers and opened a new locale single one it still behaved that way
not showing any changes I may make. What helped was exiting Directory Opus and restarting it.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
Using Windows 7 64bit and the 64bit DOpus.