Can I disable calculating folder sizes when pausing the mouse on them? In either DO11 or DO12?
I'm just a bit annoyed by this behavior. Sometimes I have an (arguably bad) habit of (accidentally) pausing the cursor on top of a folder and suddenly I'll have the size column with only one folder's size calculated and, well, that just bothers me if it happens. If I really want to know folder sizes, I know there is a command/button, and I'll use that.
Go to Settings > File Types > All Folders, then edit the Info Tip and remove both {foldersize} and {foldercontents} from it.
The Info Tip cannot be completely blank (else the default will be used, which includes both codes), but you could set it to something like {name} (which can be useful if the name is too wide for the column), or just a space, or any of the other details available, as long as they do not cause the folder's contents to be inspected.
You can also turn off info tips entirely, if you don't want them for files or folders, via Preferences / File Displays / Options / Enable file InfoTips in...
I'm not talking about info tips. I'm talking about the sortable size column. When I hover on a folder for about a second, DO automatically displays the size of the folder in that column.