Disable Opening to Previous Layout

Is there a way to disable the lister opening to the "Previous" layout? I'd much prefer that is start in the "Explorer" view, for instance.

Open a lister to the style, window size, and starting folder you want and save this as a Lister Layout. Then change all of the ways to open a new lister to open up Lister Layout you just created.

I've done this, and forced it to open my new Default Lister every time, but after that first time, it seems to keep reverting back to that "Previous" tab.

I have done this as well... i like the settings it has for the layout i have saved for the tab "server". It never reverts to that, i always have to manually click it all the time. Very annoying.

Is the problem just that the "previous" tab is selected (but everything else is as you want it to be), or that the style you saved into the layout isn't being used either?

If you use the method I posted above. the Previous tab is still selected whenever you first open the lister. However, your Lister Window will have all the lister elements saved inside of the saved Layout.

er... from the description it sounds like we (once again) have layout vs. style confusion. Maybe they have Preferences->Layouts->Opening Listers->Update Default Lister settings when Listers are closed option selected? If so, try un-checking it and see if you're all set?

I tried disabling that feature and it still comes up to the "previous tab." Everything seems in order except that in my "Explorer" view, I have the contacts panel up, and when I close/restore it, it goes to the previous tab and that panel is gone.

Your Explorer Lister Style is one storage vessel (i.e. a place Opus stores a collection of lister elements to be used by a lister window), and your saved Lister Layout is a separate storage vessel. When you created the Lister Layout using my suggestion above, only the lister window elements used in your Explorer Style were saved inside the Lister Layout, not the Explorer Style itself. What we are doing using this method, is creating two storage vessels, for different purposes, that both store the same collection of lister elements. However, each time you update your Explorer Lister Style, you must also update the saved Lister Layout which contains the same elements.

Right now, you most likely updated your Explorer Lister Style to include the Contacts Panel, but you did not update your saved Lister Layout to also include the Contacts Panel.

My advice is to play around with your Explorer Style until you have it just they way you want, then (re)create the Saved Lister Layout.


Disabling update check box worked for me. Thank you kenalcock.