At job, on network drives, some folders have restricted rights.
If i try to open a folder, there is no message alert and stay to the current folder.
I can see that DO jumps briefly to folder then go back.
If DO is set to replace Explorer, if i double clic restricted folder, DO open folder but it's empty.
If i clic this folder in Explorer tree, i have error message "x:\xx not accesible. acces denied."
In DO9, i have the same message.
I made a FolderA and FolderA\FolderB on a network drive (Windows 7 Pro/Ultimate at both ends), denied my account List folder / read data rights to FolderA, then double-clicked FolderA. I got this error message:
What do I need to do to reproduce what you describe where there is no error message at all?
Nothing would be expected to happen when you single-click on a folder in the file display - you would need to double-click to actually attempt to read the directory.
I create script to display alert when folder are not readable.
Function OnAfterFolderChange(ByRef AfterFolderChangeData)
If AfterFolderChangeData.result = false Then
Dim Dlg
Set Dlg = AfterFolderChangeData.Tab.Dlg
Dlg.title = "Accès refusé"
Dlg.message = "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier '" & & "'" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Vous n'avez pas les droits d'accès à ce dossier."
Dlg.buttons = "OK"
Dlg.icon = "error"
End if
End Function
But I delete folder from tree, dialog are always display, even if folder are not protected (it’s ok when I delete folder from files display)…
Script seems to read parent folder first, says that is not readable, then goes to next folder…
The script can't assume there is only one reason a navigation might be cancelled. It will show a dialog in other situations which aren't the one you're interested in, unless it is modified to detect the specifics of it.
Are the cacls.exe or icacls.exe command line tools available on your machine? They can be used to list folder permissions if the Properties / Securty tab is hidden.
You might need to ask an admin to list the permissions, or to explain what they've done to those folders, so that we can understand what's happening or try to reproduce it.