Display contents of the selected folders

Hello, is there a way to display contents of the selected folders? I tried Flat view, but it displays contents of all folders. Thanks.

You could do it by Find/Search on the folders, or by using Flat View and a filter. Depends on exactly how you want the contents displayed.

(Could also do it using Libraries, for that matter.)

Thank you, but making it a multi step process kind of defeats the purpose. An example of what I am trying to do: copy files out of three folders into forth. In a different file manager I used to just select the three folders, hit flat view button and I have all their contents in a single pane available for copying, searching etc. I was trying to find a way to do the same in DO.

It doesn't have to be a multi-step process. This command will show you the contents of all selected folders (and everything below them):

Find RECURSE NAME=* IN {allfilepath$}

[quote="leo"]It doesn't have to be a multi-step process. This command will show you the contents of all selected folders (and everything below them):

Find RECURSE NAME=* IN {allfilepath$}[/quote]Thank you, Leo. I'll give it a shot.

Well.. instead of opening a new thread, i will continue this one (if it doesn't bother the author and the DO team).[quote="leo"]You could do it by Find/Search on the folders, or by using Flat View and a filter. Depends on exactly how you want the contents displayed.

(Could also do it using Libraries, for that matter.)[/quote]How do you filter the folders, please ?
I tried your search solution, but i can't flat the collection..

Thanx :slight_smile:

[quote="mykael"]Well.. instead of opening a new thread, i will continue this one (if it doesn't bother the author and the DO team).[quote="leo"]You could do it by Find/Search on the folders, or by using Flat View and a filter. Depends on exactly how you want the contents displayed.

(Could also do it using Libraries, for that matter.)[/quote]How do you filter the folders, please ?
I tried your search solution, but i can't flat the collection..

Thanx :slight_smile:[/quote]I just made a button with the command that Leo suggested "Find RECURSE NAME=* IN {allfilepath$}". You can use help to see how to make custom buttons. Leo's suggestion works pretty well, although not as well as a built in flat view would have (mostyly because you are displaying a collection and not a folder). So going up a folder is impossible for example.

oops yes i was wrong, it works perfectly... :wink: