Can you add possibility to display the first selected item name in label button please
Can be done via:
@label:=selpath ? filepart(selpath) : "Nothing selected"
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Sorry but failed...
- If file is focus but not selected, display "Nothing selected" 'instead of "bbbbbb.txt"
- If file is focus and selected, focused name is display, but not the first file of selection so "BBBBBBBB"
Buttons run on the selected items, not the focus item, so that seems correct to me?
If you just want to display the name with focus, the status bar can do that.
Line 4 : focused
Lines 6/7 : selected
Button : Nothing selected
Sorry but I don't understand.
Why I need this ?
My button is :
@label:=selpath ? "Move to "+stem(filepart(selpath)) : "Nothing selected"
@set name={dlgstringS|Dest Name...|{file$}}
Select "{$name}"
So, I want to display the name of the first selected in label, like {file$} display it in dialog.