Display/hide Find/Sync/Duplicate window

Using DOpus 9.002. I have three preferred listers:

  1. Default dual lister with multiple tabs and no folder tree
  2. Second dual lister with different tabs, a folder tree, and the Find/Sync/Duplicate window on
  3. Explorer style lister

When I switch from 2 to 1, the Find/Sync/Duplicate window does not go away, even though I have the default lister set not to show it. I have to switch to 3 to hide it, then to 2. What am I missing? I seem to remember some reset command, but can't recall it or find it...

so you've configured, in addition to the default lister layout, two additional lister layouts? How do you "switch" from one view to another?

Assuming you are doing this using Styles (rather than Layouts), you should just need to set the first style to turn off the Utility Panel.

That means you should turn on the Utility Panel checkbox and then set the drop-down to Off. If the checkbox is off then the style will leave the panel as it was before the style was invoked.

You can also use the command Set UTILITY=Off to turn off the utility panel but you shouldn't have to use that in this case.

I missed that checkbox. Thanks again nudel!