Display this folder in the other file display behaviour

When I click the Display this folder in the other file display button a copy of the current tab is opened in the other display. Is there a way to make this happen in a new tab rather than overlaying the rightmost existing tab?

Regards, AB (V9.0.0.2)


As nudel says you can create a new button on a toolbar to do this but the button you're talking about in the File Display Border cannot be changed afaik.

Thanks guys. I'll create a button as suggested. Am I alone in thinking that the overlay behaviour described above is somewhat brutal!

Regards, AB

Perhaps it should have an option to open a new tab. The button has behaved like that since before Opus had folder tabs.

BTW, if you find you're using your new button/hotkey and no longer use the one in the file display border, you can turn off the unused button. (If you don't mind turning off the Copy button as well.)

It's doing exactly what it says it will do imo - "Display this folder in the other file display".

That doesn't mean there's no merit to a NEWTAB option for it though - perhaps you could make a proper feature request - gpsoft.com.au/support.html

Yes, I agree it does what it says. It was just a mini whinge! I'll submit a feature request.

Regards, AB

P.S. The button is already attracting plenty of clicks. Thanks again.