Displaying Hidden Files From Status Bar

I see in the video that in Directory Opus 12 I can now click on the Status Bar to display the hidden file.
My hidden files display is 3 to the right, and when I click on "Hidden", the word "Everything" moves over to the very left.

How can I make both "Hidden" and "Everything" stay in the same location so I can easily switch back and forth without moving the mouse?

Can you please post your status bar definition?

{i:dir} {sd} / {td}
{i:file} {sf} / {tf}
{h!} <#FF0000>{hi} Hidden</#> {h!}
{sba} / {tba} {rpad}
{h!} {ls} {h!}
{h!} {df} {bg+w=50,f=2,g=3,t=n,c1=#68f040,c2=#f06840}{h!}

By the way...

It is 2:56 in the What's New In Directory Opus 12? video where Hidden and Everything stays in place.

It took me a while to figure it out but I got it sorted eventually.

Insert this line

{h!} <#008800>{hse}</#> {h!}


{h!} <#FF0000>{hi} Hidden</#> {h!}

It works for me.

Thanks for that, Rebel.
I will try it later.

But, it works correctly in the video.

The video is using the (new) default status bar codes. If you're using Opus 12 with a config from older versions then the status bar settings will need updating to make them work the same.

If you just want the defaults, click the Samples drop-down next to the status bar editor and they are in there.

Thanks Leo.

I decided to use: Icons, Colors, Graph & Media Duration :slight_smile: