Do 12.6 Pro Quick Search for Desktop.ini

I have a folder in which are 11 other folders each one has a Desktop.ini file.
If I use the quick search I get not files found.
If I use the find tool it shows all 11 files.
I am sure this used to work.
Using File Explorer does not find anything either.

They are system+hidden files so Windows Search may filter them out. We just pass the search query to Windows Search and display the results it returns. Whether there is a way to make Windows Search include such files, in Opus or Explorer, I am not sure.

Using Opus's native Find tool is recommended if you are looking for system+hidden files, since Windows tends to try to hide them.

After some searching I have found the setting to change in case anyone else wants to use the quick search to find system files.
In File Explorer
View tab
Change folder and search options
View tab
Untick Hide protected operating system files (recommended)
Desktop.ini files now show

The problem with that option is it also applies to the Windows desktop, where you'll two annoying desktop.ini icons will now appear at all times.

If you're dealing with hidden-system files like desktop.ini, it's probably best to just not use Windows Search and use Opus's Find tool instead. (Desktop.ini files won't benefit much from indexing anyway, so there's little benefit to using Windows Search to look for them.)