Do an Everything-Search find

Another question! o)

I was trying to do an Everything-Search "find" from the Find-Tool or from script (to get a result directly or into a file collection of some kind), but there is no way yet, right?

I also noticed, the Windows "find" is also not available this way, but since the native DO Find and the Everything-Search and the Windows-Search as well, will end up as a FileCollection, maybe it would be cool to use these searches not only by manual typing into the Lister search fields, but instead trigger them via scripting?

If these would return a lose number of items, I would be fine with that, if anyone needs a file collection for visual inspection, the result can be moved into a file collection as an additional step I guess.

Thanks! o)

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The Find command has arguments for specifying a search engine and query.

Oh it does? I had a look.. seems I missed it even though I searched for "everything".

So I had another look, can you give me a hint, I can't find the related option:

Thank you! o)

QUERY is the main arg, and been there for a while. Used to only work with Windows Search.

There's also a new QUERYENGINE arg, which isn't in the Find docs yet (only the release notes) but should be self explanatory from the button editor's command completion. We'll get it added to the manual properly, too; that one was overlooked.

Perhaps, this button might help.

Find Global (Everything).dcf (386 Bytes)

Ok, command completion will be used next time to hunt down arguments! I see where this can help with a slower documentation, did not think of that yet! o)

Thanks for the button!

To sum up, this would be a command to do an Everything search:
CLI QUICKSEARCHENGINE=everythingglobal QUICKSEARCH=my search terms here

Thanks everyone! o)

All QuickSeachEngines