DO and Explorer crash on extremely long filenames

I have a folder on an NTFS drive with a couple hundreds of files in it, one of which has a 253 characters long filename (full path > 256 characters). When this file comes into view DO crashes.

I could fix it by renaming the file (in a cmd window).

DO version 12.30 64-bit

It’s probably not Opus itself crashing; it’s possible, but more likely a shell extension something else has installed.

If you send us the crash logs we can usually use those to see where the crash is happening.

Upon further investigation it's looks like Opus indeed isn't the culprit; same crash happens in File Explorer as well. Happens when the file is a .jpg or a .png, but NOT when it's for instance a .txt or .pdf file. I've got a hunch that it has something to do with extracting an image thumbnail, which seems to be a function outside Opus, since File Explorer shows the same behaviour.

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If you send the logs we might be able to tell you the component that’s causing the crash.

dopus.exe.20492.dmp.txt (3.7 MB)

(Had to add .txt extension to allow for upload)

[Attachment removed after analysis, to save space in our forum backups. --Leo]

That indicates SageThumbs.dll is what's crashing.

If you send the same DMP file to them, they might be able to use it to help locate the bug in their code.

Thanks a bunch, Leo.

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