after writing my first scripts (a comprehensive report will follow asap) I just want to suggest adding an COM (Common Object Model)-interface to DO/DOpusRT. I even would be willing to pay more for that feature ("DO Platinum" ).
Any support/ideas from the community?
Please be more specific about what you're doing and what you want provided to help.
Are you writing scripts inside or outside of Opus? Or do you mean you want to write something which is not a script that controls Opus like a script can? What do you want it to control?
I would like to see all the DOpus objects to be accessible from anywhere as well.
Using the async DOpusrt.exe to run scripts which make use of DO objects and things is very limiting right now.
its async (so you don't know when things are done)
you can only serve "input" via commandline
you can't see/get any output
you never know if things worked out or not (no return/result codes and objects etc.)
With a proper COM interface the current black-hole-behaviour would be past. o)