I have some scripts and external executables that I use with DO.
I like to use them also in the USB-Version (for example Scripts are located in :\DOPUS\Scripts).
As USB driveletters are not fixed is there a pathvariable (like %DOPUS%\Scripts) that DO can locate my scripts/executables?
you can use : [b]/home[/b]Scripts
if you want to know allbuilt-it aliases...
Cool, will try this. Thank you.
Edit: Unfortunately it doesn't work.
I modified the button as you described:
CSCRIPT "/HOME\Scripts\KillEventlogs.vbs"
Also I tried "\DOPUS..." as path, which for example works for external icons.
Any suggestions?
To pass aliases to external commands you have to use {A|...}, for example:
CSCRIPT {A|home}Scripts\KillEventlogs.vbs
The path will be quoted automatically if required, too.