DO11: folder sizes shortcut behavior vs. DO10

If you install Beta 3, you can try the following script button which I think will do what you want:

  • if any folders are selected, and their sizes have not previously been calculated, only the selected folders will be calculated
  • otherwise all folders will be calculated
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="both" label_pos="right" textcol="none">
	<label>Smart GetSizes</label>
	<function type="script">
		<instruction>@language vbscript</instruction>
		<instruction />
		<instruction>Function OnClick(ByRef ClickData)</instruction>
		<instruction>	fGetAll = True</instruction>
		<instruction>	for each file in ClickData.Func.Command.files</instruction>
		<instruction>		if file.is_dir and (not file.got_size) Then</instruction>
		<instruction>			fGetAll = False</instruction>
		<instruction>			exit for</instruction>
		<instruction>		end if</instruction>
		<instruction>	next</instruction>
		<instruction>	if fGetAll Then ClickData.Func.Command.ClearFiles</instruction>
		<instruction>	ClickData.Func.Command.deselect = False</instruction>
		<instruction>	ClickData.Func.Command.RunCommand &quot;GetSizes&quot;</instruction>
		<instruction>End Function</instruction>