Again, I'm going to disclaim that I'm "looking" at the raw files for reference and comparison, and not messing around with them myself ...
That said, I've noticed a few inconsistencies while inspecting that I wonder if you think should be looked at for the purpose of tidying up to protect against something going wrong in other scenarios, nothing seems to have actually broken so far as a result from what I've seen:
In reworking my FileTypes customizations... I noticed that in some cases, the 'Position' value of adjacent keys got screwed up. I know that the order in which the entries actually appear in the OXR file itself doesn't matter, but I'm seeing several times now where the item at position 3 for a given filetype then has another position=3 item with the next one being position=5. So, there was a second position=3 instead of =4. Again, I haven't seen it actually cause the order of the items in the menu to get messed up - though it seemed like Opus was probably favoring whichever entry did in fact appear first in the file in the case of such duplicate position values...
In reworking my hotkey assignments, I've noticed that for any hotkey that I modified to run my own commands (instead of the defaults you shipped with), certain other data for the original hotkey remains though it seems like it shouldn't. Again, it doesn't seem to cause any actual breakage and nobody else would probably care, just curious if it's something that should be tidied up. For instance, the hotkeys.oxc file contains a list of what I assume are default 'internal' hotkey names in the tag. These tie to the defkey value some of the hotkey definitions have:
<key defkey="prevtab1" disable="no" hotkey="ctrl+pageup" hotkey_type="local">
<label>Copy to parent folder</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>copy to ..</instruction>
...where I modified the "ctrl+pageup" hotkey to run copy to .. instead of the tab select command or whatever had been default. But it still retains the "prevtab1" value.
Pathological curiosity ? Yeah, probably ... just wondering if these are things waiting to break something in some other scenario.