In the current beta, one of my rename command is suddenly broken. Even if i turn off the duplicate command (where i don't even know, where the duplicate might sit), or
make a new button with the same code, or use it as a direct command, it all doesn't work anymore. Can anyone confirm this issue?
The command works fine. Did you try it on a button?
Are you really trying to use Win + Shift + Alt + 1 as the hotkey?
Note that if you are not careful when pushing that hotkey, you could invoke a Windows function (like Win+1 will activate the first thing on the Windows taskbar, taking focus away from Opus and ignoring any further keypresses). Using the Win key on toolbar hotkeys probably isn't a very good idea.
Yes, as i mentioned it (it doesn't work with new a button or as a direct command using >) . I just rebooted, but things are still the same. I even tried older configurations from the first
backup on DO11, or even older ones. That's very strange.
I have lots of commands using the Win-key, i never had problems with them. But i tried changing the hotkeys, same result. Very strange, indeed.
I would notice that. I had the idea, that maybe some framework, REGEX ist depending on, could be broken, but all other commands work fine.
Leo, of course i believe you. But here on my machine it remains broken. I even reinstalled the Beta 3, no change. Did you try it on a german version
in a VM? Maybe it's only broken in that version?
Ok, i think i found a hint: the folder, where it fails, had some automatic toolbar for testing purposes assigned to a path format. Before i posted the issue,
i removed the auto toolbar from the settings of that folder (setting it to "none"), because is suspected, that it was responsible for the duplicate entry.
Anyway, in that particular folder the command isn't working, so it might be worthy to test the same steps to track down the issue.
Sorry, all i get is "Information/Unknown folder", when i try to view the PM.
Did you test it with my example file? It is positively possible, as i can reconstruct that behavior anytime with this special FLACs or the MP3s i made from them.
I tested to place another old MP3 in that folder, with the result, that i can rename those files without any problem.
Well, when i try to run that button or command on those MP3s or FLACs, nothing at all happens.
Since those files are the only ones i ever saw this thing happen with, it may be irrelevant (it's a dozen of files or so, i can rename them manually.
But maybe it is still of interest, to look into it.
After all these wild, "certain" theories, the screenshot (or just looking at the regexp and thinking about what it does) would've saved us a lot of time at the start of the thread.
You are renaming files with only one digit at the start of their names. (Unlike the example you gave earlier in the thread.)
Oh, sorry, i didn't really know that. Seems, that i never encountered this case before, also, i don't know anything about how REGEXes work.
Maybe i should ask some REGEX experts later, how to make it work with one or three digits as well, as i didn't realize, that it works with exactly
two digits only, but not with up to two digits. No wonder, i couldn't solve it by moving the files to some "unaffected" folder or playing around with path formats .
Thanks Leo, once again i've learned something new.