DO11: Using new Scripting Interface right within Autohotkey?

With Autohotkey_L(formerly know as v1.1)COM Objects are available, and I wonder if with the new interface scripting from Dopus 11, Is it possible to create a IDispatch interface or something to handle DOpus right within Autohotkey script?
I ask this because Autohotkey provides a better and nicer GUI's that DOpus already have, so the possibilities are enormous.
wish maybe some Autohotkey expert can respond my claims.

For interested more info available here

The Opus COM/IDispatch objects aren't available outside of Opus at the moment. It's something we may provide in the future, but not at this stage.

Hello Peperoni :wink:,

as an future "power AutoHotkey user" I can only second your question/suggestion concerning using AutoHotkey with Directory Opus. My approach was to embed the AutoHotkey.dll directly, see]
From my point of view better than using COM. Just DO objects as e. g. structs are needed, see

Concerning your question from my approach above:

[quote]Does Autohotkey have advanced string manipulation functions that would let you do things you can't easily achieve in VBScript, etc?[/quote]Didn't have time to answer yet. As Peperoni :wink: stated, one of the many advantage of AutoHotkey is its ability to programm GUIs very efficiently. The language of AutoHotkey itself is highly specialized and therefore more compact compared to the integrated WSH (Windows Scripting Host) languages. And you can debug your code.
Summarized unbelievable possibilities... as I mentioned...

Ah, it's (maybe) already 2013 + 1 "down under". So all my best wishes for THE SPECIAL "Opus Year 2014" :thumbsup:.

Many thanks and greetings