When you move multiple files from one folder to another - and copies of those files exist in the other folder - the 'Confirm File Replace' dialog appears. I've noticed that sometimes (randomly from what I can tell), the dialog changes size each time it shows. So for example, it is one size for the first file, and then slightly smaller or bigger for the next file. What this means is that if you rely on the mouse - as I do - and hover your mouse over the 'Replace' button (as I do, ready for an instant click as soon as the dialog appears for the next file), when the dialog changes size, your mouse is suddenly hovering over the wrong button (eg skip), and you end up clicking on the wrong option.
I may have missed something in DO's options - is there an option to always make sure the Confirm File Replace dialog is exactly the same size each time it appears?
Damn, that pretty much obsoletes my method of copying/moving files If the filename is the cause of the problem, can we somehow tell Opus not to show the filename (thus keeping the dialog box the same size each time)?
Precisely. I don't need to know the name of the file - as I already know what it is (after all, I had to click on the file a few seconds before I clicked on the Copy/Move button in the first place, I see the name when I click on it).
Yeah, I guess that is an option. Not my preferred one mind - once the dialog appears, I then have to look down at the keyboard, find the character I need to press, and then press it. It would certainly work, it would just be slower than moving the mouse.
Precisely. I don't need to know the name of the file - as I already know what it is (after all, I had to click on the file a few seconds before I clicked on the Copy/Move button in the first place, I see the name when I click on it).[/quote]
The file could be 10 levels deep below nested sub-directories, or one of 100 files you had selected. I'm not sure that is very thought through.