I have the tabs on top and option for drawing them using visual style is off (but if I turn it on it still doesn't look quite right).
I think there should be some kind of shadow or strategically placed line or something, otherwise tabs feel cut-off at the top, especially when you're not looking directly at them.
Tabs on top, "draw using visual style" option off.
Tabs on top, "draw using visual style" option on.
Also, does anyone know what is this first item above "FTP" (it first appeared in my Opus 11 recently but it's not present in Explorer)? Could it be some kind of dead OneDrive reference?
I don't think that is new in Opus 12, but it is on my look & feel list.
"The GUID {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} belongs to OneDrive" from a quick Google search. Try turning off OneDrive under Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders.
This issue is relevant to Opus 12 only, but I think you may be on to something here! Above the tabs is the custom toolbar, it seems that for some reason it doesn't draw its bottom line, or the tab bar doesn't draw its upper line. I've tried adding another toolbar now and it still behaves the same.
It won't draw the bottom line if it's the same color as the top line. Normally the thing below it draws a line, but the tab control never has. Same problem if the tabs are on the bottom and you have the Find panel below them, with the status bar placed right at the bottom of the lister.
Not sure if I understand, but it didn't happen in DO11, and if I change the background color of the toolbar (i.e., remove the color checkbox so that it uses default) it's still the same.
Opus 11 always drew the bottom edge of toolbars, light and dark by default, and you'd get double-thick lines if the top and bottom edges were the same color.
If both colors are the same then Opus 12 only draws the top edge, and they are now the same by default on Windows 8 and Windows 10.
So you might not see the tab control issue with that exact setup in Opus 11, but there are situations where it can happen (e.g. just turn off toolbar lines entirely) and it also happen for tabs at the bottom in the case I mentioned above.
Yes, I now see it in Opus 12 also, but there is more to the issue than has yet been explained here. If I restore my Opus 11 configuration to Opus 12, the toolbar bottom line is drawn. I have no idea yet what in the configuration causes that to happen.
I suppose I'm not understanding, but it doesn't sound to me like an explanation of what I'm encountering.
[quote]Opus 11 always drew the bottom edge of toolbars, light and dark by default, and you'd get double-thick lines if the top and bottom edges were the same color.
This refers to Opus 11, so OK.
[quote]If both colors are the same then Opus 12 only draws the top edge, and they are now the same by default on Windows 8 and Windows 10.
This is probably what I don't understand. Does it imply that my configuration which is causing the line to be shown in Opus 12 is somehow causing both colors to not be the same? What preference would cause that?
Again, this refers to Opus 11, so it's only slightly relevant, but where does one turn off toolbar lines entirely?
Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Standard toolbar
Highlight and Shadow.[/quote]
OK, thanks. I don't know what negatives, if any, there are, but turning off Use System Colors and then setting the colors to those of Opus 11 seems to be a good way to deal with the cosmetic issue for now.
For some unknown reason, I had Use System Colors off in Opus 11, so it was a fortunate accident that I saw symptoms that caused me to keep pushing here.
Yup, turning off system colors fixed it, thanks Bob for inquiring into this further, I also didn't understand what exactly Leo meant so I postponed investigating it further thinking perhaps I need more sleep