The image below shows it. There should be findings in the right pane. Also, this search is very slow, in spite of having a very simple search pattern. I mention this, because i would like to use a search filter to search the whole computer for new items (represented here through the "flagged" status icon), which would take now several minutes.
Just a thought: maybe Opus is now looking for the actual filter properties of that status icon (e.g. being "newer than 3 days", & checking that for each item), rather than the fact, it just has that status icon, & relying upon that.
I don't know about speed, I only use wildcard labels for viewing folder contents (coloring item backgrounds etc.), but if I apply "Flagged" or "Important" labels to some files and start a search in that folder or some levels above, these files will appear in the search result. So, this seems to be working to some degree, but as said, I did not apply labels to files widely spread around my disk drives, so I cannot tell if this works for more serious usecases and how fast/slow this is.
I can imagine it being quite slow, since DO needs to scan all files and folders for possible ADS data contained. I guess the windows indexing or NTFS filesystem is not optimized to query/cache ADS data, so it's "look through everything" each time.
Thanks for testing. Strangely, it doesn't work for me with files, & not always reliably with folders. In one test it worked with folders, another time not. Here is the code i use to apply status labels:
Set Columnsadd=Status(1)
With the help of tbone, i found that the search is working correctly, when using a "clean" installation, that is, before reimporting my own custom settings & tweaks. Seems like script leftovers or other potential sources of errors are causing the failure, breaking something along the way.
Any plans to provide any solutions or bug fixes for this problem? I can't just build a new version of my customized Opus, with hundreds of special commands. The new status labels are looking good, but i would not be able to search the whole computer for, say, new files bearing those icons.
Here is the same folder, using the same search criteria. Image 1 shows Opus run as administrator (i don't do this, normally. But here i have some completely "fresh" install, because i didn't import my standard settings yet), while image 2 shows the results for my working version of Opus, which only finds folders with tags.
But thanks for the hint. Maybe it would be a good idea to extend the function a bit? I was planning to use a search like that for a global "what's new on my computer?" function, some overview of all stuff meeting certain criteria, like being program, music oder image files, all newer than a week, or something similar.
If you get different results with admin/non-admin then there's probably a permissions or account issue somewhere, or it could be because the two setups appear to be using completely different configurations.
(Based on this and another recent thread, I'm guessing you're using separate standard user and administrator accounts, and switching accounts rather than using a single account that is elevated? The background images in your two screenshots are different for the same folders, which is why I suspect separate accounts/configs are involved.)
We can't diagnose those issues here because they will depend on your computer's setup and the permissions on your folders, and possibly details of your Opus configuration(s). You'll need to do some investigation to work out what's different between the two tests you are doing. We can confirm if a difference explains the different results, or suggest further ways to look, but I think you will need to to the initial part of working out what the main differences are, since we can only guess from here.
If you are using separate accounts and separate configurations, it's possible that the labels you are searching for are not the same.
Labels are stored by ID number generated when the label is created. They are not stored by name. This is so that you can apply a label to a bunch of files, then rename the label, and the files will still have that label because the underlying ID number didn't change even though the name did.
Two labels with the same names in different accounts/configs may not the same thing, unless you have copied the config from one account to the other.
If you create a label called Xyz in both configs independently then they will be two distinct labels, despite both being called Xyz.
In this case i was lazy, only terminating Opus, then running it as Admin. So no account change was involved.
Yes, i will try to further investigate. I had tests with automatically generated status icons, per wildcards, plus those i've added manually, but bno difference. As for the permissions, i'm not aware of any differences i possipbly could have applied, so it basically should be the same.
i have just compared the files properties of a certain file carrying the "flagged" status icon, but it appears to be the same for user/admin.
I will check that again.
Yep, i will have to compare those results. But in this case they were being created through some wildcard rules, filtering for "newer than 3 days", or similar.
Does this also apply to "standard" labels like the new status labels? I mean "Flagged", "Important" etc. Since these come out of the box, I'd not expect these to get mixed up or lost because of internal ids mismatching. My feeling is, these should use a fixed id, which is equal throughout every DO installation.
Is there a way to exchange (export/import) custom labels? If I want to hand a diskdrive to someone else, containing labels applied with DO, he will not be able to make any use of my labels, right? What if my diskdrive crashes and I need to install OS and DO from scratch, all labels lost?
Not directly related to the search issue, but on the other hand it actually is. I just like to make sure I understand the mechanics behind, I was hinting Abr into the "label ID mismatch" direction over in the german forum some days ago and it seems I was right, but there is even more to it it seems.
When you elevate to admin, do you just click "Yes" in the UAC prompt, or do you type in a password?
It looks like a separate admin account is being used, because otherwise the background images in the folder would usually be the same (unless something else unusual is involved, like the images are on mapped network drives which don't exist in the admin context).
Those will all have the same IDs in all configs.
For labels you make yourself, you'd can copy/sync/edit colorgroups.oxc to get the same IDs on two machines.
That sounds like you are using separate standard user and administrator accounts. (Although it is possible via a fairly hidden option in Windows even when you are not, so it is not conclusive yet.)
If you go to /appdata in Opus normally, and then try /appdata again while running as administrator, does it take you to the same folder, or to two different places?