Docs opened in DOpus not being included in Recent Documents

I noticed that certain file types, namely .txt, .pdf, .avi, .mpg, and a few others are not being included in Windows recent documents history when opened from an Opus lister. When the files are opened in Explorer, they are all listed in the Windows recent documents history.

Files such as .jpg, .doc, .docx don't have a problem when opened from within Opus - they are all included in the recent documents list. However, the previously mentioned file types (along with several others) are not included and I'm not sure why. Is this a bug? Or do I have to change a setting from somewhere within Opus?

I should probably also mention that I'm on Windows XP Pro, SP3 and DOpus

Can anyone else confirm this behavior? Perhaps a lot of people have the Windows "recent documents" feature turned off (as I once did) but after using Opus I realized I could make some useful buttons in the form of a drop down menu to automatically sort my recent docs by type (images, docs, videos, etc.) as was posted in another thread in this forum. Now that I set up all the buttons it works great, except for the fact that the file types I mentioned in the first post aren't included in the list if they are opened from within Opus. I'm getting closer to cutting the umbilical cord with Explorer, but little snags like this make it tougher to ditch completely...

I can confirm it for text files at least.

Maybe in the cases where it works (Doc files etc.) the program that opens them is also ensuring the files are on the Recent list so it doesn't matter what Opus does, but in other cases neither program is doing it.

I think there's a flag Opus can set when it launches files to have them added to the recent list. Probably worth dropping GPSoftware a not to ask them to take a look.

Thanks for confirming. Will drop GPSoft a line...

[quote="leo"]I can confirm it for text files at least.

Maybe in the cases where it works (Doc files etc.) the program that opens them is also ensuring the files are on the Recent list so it doesn't matter what Opus does, but in other cases neither program is doing it.

I think there's a flag Opus can set when it launches files to have them added to the recent list. Probably worth dropping GPSoftware a not to ask them to take a look.[/quote]

This problem has been solved? I would like to add my dopus text files (*. txt) in the list of recent files.

No need to bump multiple threads about the same thing.

AFAIK nothing has changed here yet, but it is somewhere on the to-do list. You could write to GPSoftware if you want to add your voice.

Sorry! :blush: Thanks! :frowning: