Does the Viewer Pane have read-ahead cache ability?

As I'm using the viewer pane to see photos in a directory there is a noticeable lag between photos. I was wondering if it's possible to enable viewer pane read-ahead cache, so that this lag goes away. I know the stand-alone viewer has this feature, so I was wondering if it can be enabled in the viewer pane also?

It does in Opus 12.

I am using the 30 day trial of Opus 12 Pro at the moment, but the viewer pane does not seem to be using the read-ahead cache, as described above.

Which file format are we talking about?

Are you also scaling the images? Are they huge images? That may be what is slow rather than reading and decoding them.

The files are all in .jpg format. None of them are larger than 836KB in file size. The display size of them all is 1920x1080. I have the viewer pane set to display them in the 'Grow to Page' mode.

When going from one image to the next, there is a lag of ~.5 sec. Long enough to be noticed.

When using the stand-alone viewer in the same directory, the same photos, there is no lag at all.

I missed that detail. Only the standalone viewer does readahead caching. The viewer panel doesn't.

I understand now. Thank you.