DOpus 10 Crash whilst synchronising

[quote="Chevalier"]I decided to terminate the thread but Directory Opus did not continue and the BSOD did not occur.

Is this still a driver issue or is it something else?[/quote]

If you have BSOD errors even sometimes then I would investigate and solve those first before spending any time on applications (Opus or any other), as an unstable driver can cause applications to fail even if it doesn't always go wrong enough to cause the whole system to BSOD.

If the BSOD really was a one-off then I'd suggest following the steps in these FAQs to try and narrow down what is causing the software crashes (assuming it isn't a driver, anti-virus bug, etc.):

[ul][li]Crash, exit or high CPU usage when viewing certain directories[/li]
[li]Crash, exit or high CPU usage when right-clicking certain files (only if right-clicking appears to trigger the problem)[/li]
[li]Crash dumps for bug reports[/li]
[li]General slowdown or instability investigation steps[/li][/ul]