DOpus 10 - File and folder names are cut off


I thought i read someone with the same issue. But i couldn't find that topic.

File and foldernames longer than 1 line are cut off with ... in thumbnail mode. Even if i set enough spacing and lines between the thumbnails opus only shows one row cut of with dots..
Can i somehow fix this ?

It is always recommended that to tell which OS version you use. Plus a screenshot of the issue & that of the settings page. Because at least on Windows 7
multi row names show just fine.

If you turn off Preferences - Display - Options: Use visual styles to draw items then the selected item in thumbnails mode will expand again to show the full path.

We plan to look into making it expand when visual styles are used as well, but haven't got there yet.

Yes i know but i'd like to keep the visual styles.

And another thing is that when any other file or folder is selected opus cuts of the filename again with dots. Only selecting that folder or selecting nothing reveales the full name again. Isn't that odd ?

Whichever file has the keyboard focus gets its full label shown, possibly by drawing on top of other files. (You wouldn't want them all showing their full labels; they'd all draw on top of each other and the icons.)

Most programs with thumbnail/icon views do the same thing. e.g. The Windows desktop:

Youre right leo. I had filenames with no spaces thats why it was cutting the name off after the first line. THats why i was confused but when the filename has spaces it continues on the second line.. My bad.

THanks for the help leo.

Hopefully soon. :wink:

Thanks a lot Leo. You answered my question as well.

My file names are long and include relatively long sequences without spaces. For example, one sequence number is XX20121115a0001. Since this is followed immediately by the extension, the total length without a space is 19 (

My relevant settings in Preferences are:
Display – colors and fonts – fonts – thumbnail labels -times new roman 10
File display modes-thumbnails-label 6 lines
Display-options- use visual styles to draw items- unchecked
Display-options- use visual styles to draw folder tabs -unchecked

All of this means that if I make my thumbnail size large enough, all six lines of the labels will be used and I can usually see the entire name (provided there are no elements in the file name longer than 25 characters). More characters are of course visible if the specific thumbnail is selected.
But I often want to look at a fairly large set at smaller thumbnail size. When I do that, the last part of any long sequence is cut off instead of being wrapped to the next line. For example, if the thumbnail size is at the minimum (32) then only 3 characters are visible, if the thumbnail size is normal (133), only 10 characters are visible, if the thumbnail size is at the maximum, only 25 characters are visible, in spite of the fact that with six lines of text available even the minimum thumbnail size could display about 18 characters and at the largest thumbnail size I should be able to see about 150 characters. It seems to me that if six lines are available, they should be used, and using spaces to decide when to wrap doesn't make sense in a file name. (Or, that might be an option that the user could select with the default being to wrap without regard to spaces.)

@Leo So has there been any update on this yet Leo? I am still seeing filenames chopped off :disappointed_relieved:

Turn off that option and/or increase the number of lines given to thumbnail labels to see longer names in thumbnails mode.

Or use infotips to display the full names, which works well.

Thanks! Setting longer thumbnail names helps a bit I guess. Would love if Dopus could do this by itself when needed though.