DOpus 11.16 x64 Build 5738 major problem

11.15 worked fine, now 11.16 is totally unusable for me :frowning:

  • If I click in a path line (any path lines) ie "location" bar when using customize, the path name text will highlight and flash at high speed, until I start clicking randomly around for a while, then it will eventually lose focus and stop. If I click there again the flashing restarts.

  • Right clicking on anything gets the usual pull down menu - once - then from then on causes a a short "hourglass icon" (flashed very fast once) then no menu comes up after that.

  • If I close DOpus, then open it and look at it's process, it kicks in at around 20% and over cpu, even with me not clicking in it's window.

  • I have restarted the PC, I have re-installed DOpus. Same thing.

  • Trying to click on file names/folder in different places either does nothing, or takes a very long time to actually select what I clicked on, around 20+ seconds. I've been trying this a bit to try and work out what might be happening.

Any suggestions on what I could try and do? Any way to re-get 11.15 and see if that still works?

11.15 is here if you want to test the theory that 11.16 is the cause:

I reinstalled the only other copy that was up on the site (I think it was 10 point something) and it worked, then removed it, and reinstalled 11.16 (vanilla) and it worked BUT THEN started doing again after I did a "Restore Configuration" with my personal save, so I assumed it must have been something in my settings that screwed it up.

I then reloaded a vanilla 11.16, and it worked again (I also saved the defaults of 11.16) then switched between "default 11.16" and "my 11.16" and it played up every time with "my 11.16", but worked with "default 11.16".

I don't know if the same problem will happen to someone else if they load "my 11.16" but I could send you my configuration file that was screwing DOpus up on my machine, maybe you could learn something new.

I make configuration setting backups every so often, and I went back a couple of saves and found one that worked, and I started with that one, and now save more often, to see if I get another problem down the line.

I'm not game to keep loading and saving to do more tests as I use DOpus EXTREMELY heavily, and not having it running is like not having a working internet browser for me. It's stable now, and I'm not too keen to make it screw up again.

Rename the last 'working' config backup you have to .ZIP... do the same with the EARLIEST config backup that breaks things (to minimize the changes made between working and non-working versions).

You can extract the contents, and then DIFF them to try and isolate what changes might be related to the breakage... if you're unsure how to do that and don't have any sensitive info in your backup file, I can take a peek and do some quick tests. But if you have passwords to things in your buttons, hotkeys, scripts, etc... you probably don't want to share that (with me either, but certainly not on the public forum).