DOpus 12 and 13 Amiga-style Opus4 (dark-ish)

Thank you very much, I like the retro UI (like win98) too. The bottom button is no longer a problem and it‘s perfect. Only individual icons inherit the windows system icons, it seems not so uniform, such as folder icons, disk icons, etc., still trying to solve. Thanks again!

Excellent work tortilladude. :partying_face:
Where do I place the ocb and dlt-files for the theme and added buttons to appear?


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Themes can be imported via Settings > Lister Themes, but if you're going to import someone's entire config then you can skip that. (The config will include the color and font settings as well.)

Config backups can be imported via Settings > Backup & Restore, but note that you will be importing everything about that person's configuration. Not just visual changes, but Preferences options about how files are copied, hotkeys, FTP site bookmarks, and so on will all be replaced. We don't recommend this.

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This is nice. Will this work on DOpus 11?

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It should. I cant remember exactly if DO11 has the new color changing options (for example the scroll bar etc.) but i made this with only the standard toolbar customization. But please read all the comments, since you cant just import my settings and expect it to look like the same. You have to do some solo work for it (like setting the transparent icons etc etc). So basically you will have to reconfigure a lot of the bottom toolbar buttons. This is just to give you an idea how i made it.

Lets be honest, it is always fun to configure DOpus :slight_smile:

Yes it is! This look/feel is much closer to an Amiga version of DO. I had been playing with mine trying to get the scrollable button banks and drive banks like I could do in my Amiga DO.


i love it

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Bought a smile to my face

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Greetings! I am completely new to Dopus. I downloaded this ocb files and extracted it. I ran a search of directory and there are no dlt files. What am I doing wrong? Many thanks in advance.

Never mind, I am good, thanks.

New problem. How do I stop it from switching back to a light theme when I open a new lister?

Hi Spock!

Does it revert back to the original theme? What do you mean by switching to light theme?

The DLT file is the "theme" file, this only contains button and toolbar colors, positions.

There is also the OCB file which is the settings file, it contains the color setup. So there is no "light" theme here. Unless your operating system or another theme app forces some color settings for you.

hello. do you have an updated version of dopus 13?

Hi @DarkN3mo !
Yes i do, although not 100% finished because of all the different new visual options. I will post it for u just let me get more familiar with the theme export functions.

oh I can't wait to see that!

buttons will also be managed in multiple states like on dopus 4?

If you mean LMB and RMB on a button to do different things, you can set it up yourself in the Customize mode by enabling the "Three Buttons" mode on any button. You can assign the middle mouse button too if you want.

Each mode can also have its own button icon (so when you RMB or MMB it will briefly change on button press to indicate the alternate action).

great! can't wait to download your new version :slight_smile:

I updated the post with V13 stuff, this is still a work in progress, since there are so many color options im sure i will change a thing or two as im using it and have free time.



Was your first computer a c64 or Amiga?
Something before those?

nice progress !