DOpus Release Date(s)!

On the about dialog, it's: July 8 2007
In the release notes (pdf), it's: June 15 2007
In the announcment on this forum, it's: July 15 2007

Why on earth do all these inconsistencies exist?

I won't be surprised, if I read in some other source that the last release is version, and is a mistake!!!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to say NICE release :laughing:

The code was compiled on June 8th and that's what the About dialog shows.

It was released on June 15th after some testing and waiting for some translations to be done, which is also when the Release Notes were updated.

Not so confusing now? :slight_smile:

Edit: When I said June I meant July, and I didn't notice that the release notes has the same mix-up. I guess both Greg and myself get June and July mixed up. Those month names are too similar and should be changed. As per Steje's comment I think we should rename July to Dingo, so was released on the 15th of Dingo.

I wish it was that, I wouldn't even have opened the topic, but reread the About dialog, it's Jul not Jun

Anyway, nice attempt to defend the authors :laughing:

It seems the only mistake is the date in the release notes, but it's all not important.

The most important thing is that I feel DOpus is a tad faster IMO.

[quote]but reread the About dialog, it's Jul not Jun
But I think Jon and Greg are entitled to at least one Psyche slip aren't they ?
They have had it rough getting v9 Vista ready and have done one Hell of of a job .

Thanks Jon and Greg !
I really enjoy that Set ADMIN=Toggle command.

Gosh! Multiple choice...

(a) People read the release notes?
(b) Greg is human after all?
(c) Greg is not a detail person?
(d) Time goes very slowly when one is updating release notes?
(e) This thread should never have started?

Easy guys!!!
Although I started this thread just for fun and to say thanks, but before others point to me as a bad boy, here are my 2 cents:

Although people are most likely concerned about bug fixes and missing features, having bugs and missing features has become more propable and a feature of modern software because of complications involved.
But making trivial mistakes or inconsistencies that can be easily fixed is not a feature of professional work and may show some craelessness.

I hope you don't get me wrong and get my message.

Last but not least, if DOpus wasn't a good software, I wouldn't be here or anyone else.

[quote]Gosh! Multiple choice...

(a) People read the release notes?
(b) Greg is human after all?
(c) Greg is not a detail person?
(d) Time goes very slowly when one is updating release notes?
(e) This thread should never have started?
I'd like to choose (d).
However, I can't write an equation to support this.
Hence, my choice of (d) must then imply (b).
Option (c) must be some kind of relative thing,
and option (a) is then true.

As for option (e), only humanity can decide.
Albert, are you listening ????

Holy crap... Greg is human?

Thought he was that dingo what stole the baby years ago, masquerading as a software developer!

Not very familiar with that one Steje.
I'm more interested in , oh what the hell was it, that stupid thing about ahheemmm... 'backpackers' west of Bribane near the crater.
Oh ... "Wolf Creek" or something ...

And back on topic .... ????

Oh dinosau... sorry, oh man, I thought All choices should be left to humanity. :laughing:

[quote="Zippo"]Not very familiar with that one Steje.
I'm more interested in , oh what the hell was it, that stupid thing about ahheemmm... 'backpackers' west of Bribane near the crater.
Oh ... "Wolf Creek" or something ...

And back on topic .... ????[/quote]
Sorry... this was an actual topic?

:laughing: ROTFL :smiling_imp: