Dopus and Genie Timelin Pro 2013

I use Genie Timeline Pro 2013 backup software as a continuous backup method. In windows explorer this software superimposes a small backup marker on the icons of files it is processing i.e a small green dot if the file has been backed up, a small red dot if it needs backing up. I was wondering is there a way for these markers to be displayed when using Dopus as the file manager rather than explorer.

That should work within Opus automatically unless the Genie Timeline Pro 2013 shell extension is either going wrong inside of Opus or intentionally excluding everything but Explorer.

(Another possibility is that Preferences / Folders / Folder Display / Show generic icons for... is turned on for the folder type you're looking at. That would cause Opus not to request the full icons.)

Thanks for the info Leo. I guess it's something specific to Genie and Explorer as I have just tried a couple of other file managers without success.