Hi, I run as a limited user using Surun in Windows 7 x64. I'm trying to create a menu item to allow me to copy/cut and paste files using Surun for privilege elevation of the dopusrt.exe process.
I'm not having any success with the command listed below. I get the privilege escalation prompt from Surun, so dopusrt.exe is run with administrative rights. However, I still get access is denied errors. I've searched the forums and haven't found any information that might help me. Is there something obvious that I'm doing wrong or is this something that dopusrt.exe won't help me with? I'm sure I can coddle something together using an elevated windows command prompt, but I was hoping to keep it simple by using dopusrt.exe. Any help would be appreciated!
DOpusRT just sends a message to Opus, it doesn't do the paste itself. I don't know what Surun is, but Opus supports UAC itself and will prompt for elevation if needed.
Surun is an application that can be configured to automatically elevate applications. It predates UAC and is better IMHO. Because I use Surun, I have UAC disabled on my system.
Because DOpusRT just sends a message to DOpus, that explains why DOpus is giving me a privilege error. I thought if DOpusRT was called, it would perform the action by itself. I'll find another way to accomplish elevated copy/paste file operations or keep doing it by opening an elevated explorer window.
I found a way to do it using Autohotkey and thought I would share for others. I have a separate script for copying folders. If anyone is interested, I can post that too. DOpus and Autohotkey are a potent combination!
; Script Function:
; Used in conjunction with Directory Opus to copy files using Surun
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
Loop, Parse, Clipboard, `n, `r
FileCopy, %A_LoopField%, %A_WorkingDir%, 1