DOpusRT.exe: Target window based on title / ID / layout

Is it possible with dopusrt.exe to target a dopus window based on it's title.
For example: I want to target the dopus window which contains ABC in it's title.
dopusrt.exe /acmd Go "C:\Program Files" TITLE="*ABC*"

Is it also possible to target a dopus window based on it's layout name.
So for example if I saved a layout called "music", can dopusrt.exe be used to target the dopus window that is using the "music" layout?
dopusrt.exe /acmd Go "C:\Program Files" LAYOUT="music"

Or is it even possible to pass a dopus window ID handle as a parameter within dopusrt.exe so that I can target a specific window dopus window using dopusrt.exe.
dopusrt.exe /acmd Go "C:\Program Files" HWND=###

I read the "DOpusRT Reference" within the helpfile but could not find any method that resembles the above request. I think it's not possible, but maybe there is another method or I missed something.

In case you do not find a way to do it with Opus alone, you could try using AutoHotkey, as it can retrieve windows with certain titles, ids and other properties.

Thank you for the reply!
I am using Quick Macros for that but in order to sends script commands or other actions to the dopus window without activating it, I must use some form of "SendMessage" command or use the "dopusrt.exe" which can send commands without activating the dopus window.
Quick Macros can use the "SendMessage" (or most other Windows API commands, but constructing the correct syntax is very difficult).

Anyway I am always open for (other) suggestions! Thanks again!

I wrote a script add-in to do what you want:

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Holy ... !!!

Thank you very much for this!!!!