I have several Probox 4 drive external enclosures and when I try to undock them to shut them down windows reports that the drive is in use.
I have narrowed the problem to the dopusrt process. In order to safely remove the drive
even if I have closed Directory Opus I must enter Task Manager and end the dopusrt process.
Can this be fixed by changing a setting or something?
Thank you
Are you absolutely sure of that? DOpusRT only runs in the background to handle the desktop double-click feature, waiting for a double-click on the desktop wallpaper and running Opus when one happens.
It should only lock an external drive it is running from that drive (e.g. Opus on a USB stick, but that feature is not normally turned on for USB installs), or if the drive was the current directory when it was launched (which should not normally be possible).
(DOpusRT does other things as well, but none of them cause it to stay running.)
It's possible you have an interaction between DopusRT and something else which installs hooks on the system, but I'd be very surprised if dopusrt locked any drive itself.
If you turn off the desktop double-click feature under Preferences / Launching Opus / From The Desktop, DOpusRT will exit and will not be run in the background anymore.
You could try installing LockHunter to identify any programs that are locking the device.
BTW, these drives wouldn't contain any AVI files by any chance?
Before version 12.7.3, DOpus would regularly lock AVI files that it couldn't identify Duration, Codec, or basically couldn't get info for. I had this happen almost daily when dealing with drives containing AVIs.
12.7.3 has fixed that problem also, (at least it seems to have, currently transcoding all AVIs to MP4).
Was that Opus 12.7.3 or were you using MalwareBytes, which had a problem where it locked certain file types if you opened the folders in Opus, which they fixed recently as well?
Opus version is 12.7.3 I believe.
The last 20 times I have had an issues I closed DO via the file dropdown screen and
then still had to open task manager and end the dopusrt process. Each and every time I did this procedure I was able to safely remove the drives. I have tried stopping dozens of services
relating to software I have and nothing worked until I stopped the dopusrt process.
Try disabling the setting I mentioned and see if it still happens.
It was DOpus, I'm running MBAM v2 because ever since v3 came out their installer procedure fails to cope with RAM drives, (TEMP has to be relocated from RAM drive and possibly the RAM drive disabled, this would have to happen for every MBAM program update ... it's a PITA).
I can't say the problem is gone but it definitely hasn't happened since updating to 12.7.3 and I've been processing a few hundred AVI since the update.