Help says I should be able to enter at a command prompt:dopusrt help about
but I just get "Unknown command".
Is there supposed to be some environment variable set?
(also tried dopusrt.exe but same result.)
Help says I should be able to enter at a command prompt:dopusrt help about
but I just get "Unknown command".
Is there supposed to be some environment variable set?
(also tried dopusrt.exe but same result.)
dopusrt /CMD help about
The help manual says:[code]DOpusRT is a small utility program utilized by Directory Opus for various things. Generally you do not need to be aware of it, however it can be useful in one specific instance - you can use it to send commands to Directory Opus from outside of Opus itself. Use the /cmd parameter for this. For example, to display the Opus About dialog from a DOS prompt you could use the following command:
dopusrt.exe /cmd help about
Sorry I didn't post that in correctly. I am entering:dopusrt.exe /cmd help about
I'm referring to this paragraph in the help:[quote]"The dopusrt keyword is supported by the external command system as a shortcut for the actual location of the dopusrt.exe program. Instead of specifying, for example, c:\Program Files\GP Software\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe you can just use dopusrt."[/quote]It only works for me if I supply the full path to dopusrt.exe
That paragraph is talking about using dopusrt within buttons. It's a keyword within Opus buttons.
If you're trying to run DOpusRT.exe from a batch file or some other program then it's not going to know about Opus's keywords. You have to either put the folder that DOpusRT.exe is in into your PATH variable or use the full path.