is there any way to change what happens when you double click on the location in a lister?
I love the location bar nearly as is, single on folders and > arrow to move round is great.
what I would to happen when double click if the control "dopus.ctl.treepath2" to jump into edit mode "Edit2". as if I press F4 or Ctrl+L.
been trying to automate this in AHK, double click to send Ctrl+L but I can't figure this out. Looking at in with a few winspy tools show there about 3 layers of controls, some hidden, between changing index (depending on tab counts) of dopus.filedisplay#, dopus.ctl.treepath# and Edit#.
Making double-click do something there would mean adding a delay after a single-click before anything happened, which would make navigation via the location bar slower / less responsive.
(It has to wait the system double-click time to find out if the first click is a single-click or a double-click.)
(AHK would have to do the same thing unless you allowed the first click to pass through and trigger a navigation or refresh, which wouldn't be great either.)
hmm, I see what you mean out the update time over the location bar. I got this snippet of ahk code to almost work.
if I double click anywhere in the list it sends Ctrl + L nearly instantly. thou when I turn on the if statements for the controls it or miss.
;; I don't recommend that anyone try use this code for anything other playful exersise in ahk
#IfWinActive ahk_class dopus.lister
$~Lbutton:: ;; if dopus, double click to enter edit mode on location bar. // Broken.
WinGetClass, Class, A
if (A_PriorHotkey != "$~Lbutton" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 300)
KeyWait, Lbutton, u ; Too much time between presses, so this isn't a double-press.
; if MouseIsOver("ahk_class dopus.lister") && (Control = "dopus.ctl.treepath1") || (Control = "dopus.ctl.treepath2")
; MsgBox u double clicked in %class%`n on %control%
send, ^l
guess ill stick with F4
speaking of which... just wrote this great key recently...
which I now understand works better with the 0.15 sec time delay in it with dopus.
double tapping F4 copies the location bar, in multiple apps.
this snippet of code works great! if anyone wants to drop it in their AHK scripts...
$F4:: ;; Multi-Key
WinGetTitle, winTitle, A
WinGetClass, winClass, A
KeyWait F4, T0.15
if ErrorLevel
gosub donothing ; long press\hold
KeyWait F4, D T0.15
if ErrorLevel
sendinput, {F4} ; One Press
{ ; Double Press
if winactive("ahk_class dopus.lister")
gosub copyurlbar
if winactive("ahk_exe vivaldi.exe")
gosub copyurlbar
if winactive("ahk_exe firefox.exe")
gosub copyurlbar
if winactive("ahk_exe chrome.exe")
gosub copyurlbar
if winactive("ahk_exe brave.exe")
gosub copyurlbar
if winactive("ahk_exe msedge.exe")
gosub copyurlbar
if winactive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
gosub copyurlbar
KeyWait F4
sendinput, ^l
clipboard =
sleep 150
send, ^c
clipwait, 0.5
send, {esc}
tooltip, Location Bar Copied
sleep 1000