Double Folders Listed

I'm using Directory Opus version (52150 x64) and like another poster (kcrane), I am seeing doubled up folder names for the standard Windows 10 user folders, Documents, Music etc.

Leo answered that it is a Windows 10 beta bug. However, I am using latest Windows 10 build -- 10586.11 so it doesn't seem like a beta issue.

As kcrane mentioned, it does NOT appear in File Explorer. Here is my screenshot of that:

Thanks in advance, Patrick

Please post in the thread you are referencing, or link to it, so we know the context.

A screenshot of Opus would be useful as well, so we can see exactly what it happening.

(Also note that Opus 10 was made many years before Windows 10 existed. Only Opus 11 is officially supported on Windows 10 and being updated to fix or work around Windows 10 issues.).

We found the thread Double folder names.

If that is the correct thread, the issue comes from the Windows 10 registry having two entries for each of the duplicate folders under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace.

Both Opus and Explorer were simply showing what they were told to show in the registry.

In a later version of Windows 10, Explorer was changed to filter the list in some way. (AFAIK the exact thing it does is not documented.)

We took a different approach in an Opus 11 update and simply filtered them out entirely, if they point to a local shell folder. Their appearance in the This PC folder (which people tend to go to for devices) has been a common complaint of both Opus and Explorer users since Microsoft added the folders to the registry in Windows 8.1 (only one copy of each folder was added until Windows 10). So we filter them out entirely now. (The registry area can still be used to add other things to This PC, as was its main purpose before Windows 8.1 decided to add all the clutter.)

Thanks for the reply. Might be time to update my Opus
