I still cannot click from the pages in the Index. I don't know if that is the idea. It may not be within the powers of the PDF creator to do that automatically.
By the way, you seem to be schizophrenic on the spelling of licence/license.
DOpus itself refers to "Licence manager".
The index says "Licence" but points to page 5 where is says "License".
The cardinal rule in writing and editing is to be consistent. Pick one and stick with it.
This is only important if people search for words. Try these two in the Help file and you get differing results.
Picky, I know, but when you have spent a lifetime earning a living at this stuff it comes naturally.
I've made a custom version with a Content-Bookmark and Page-Links in the Index-Section like michaelkenward suggested but I'm unable to upload the file here because (I think) Attachment size is limited. I created the Links with PDFXchange PDF-Viewer.
@ leo: Perhaps my work could be integrated into the official version? I could PM you the file so you can have a look at it.
When I manually added the Links to the index entries I saw another little issue:
The entry "Options" points to the two pages 353 and 365. For Page 353 this doesn't really make sense.
Please don't upload custom versions of the manual. We're going to update it regularly and it'll cause confusion if people are getting versions from lots of different places.
The modified PDF file won't be useful to us. We have to work out how to make those changes in the source files and tools used to convert them into the PDF version, otherwise we would have to make those changes by hand to the PDF file every time we updated it.
Thanks! I've submitted a correction.
[quote]When I manually added the Links to the index entries I saw another little issue:
The entry "Options" points to the two pages 353 and 365. For Page 353 this doesn't really make sense.[/quote]
The heading "File Display Options" is at the bottom of page 353, describing the "Preferences / File Displays / Options" page.
The heading "Options" is at the bottom of page 365, describing the "Preferences / File Operations / Options" page.
But there is some inconsistency there with how the other "Options" pages are named/linked/titled in the manual. I'll flag it with Jon.