Drag and drop confirmation in flat mode

I just upgraded to 12.6, I think from 12.2. I used to drag and drop files in flat mode and move them to other dirs in another lister. This action required no confirmation regarding recreating the dir structure, though if I copied the same files in the same setup using the COPY button, I would be asked to confirm recreation of the dir structure. This was perfect in that I could have both confirmation and not asking, depending on how I chose to do it. Now, it seems as though I can have either confirmation, or no confirmation. Is there an option somewhere to revert to the old method?

I am using version 12.20.2 and in fact it is a bit that even me in drag & drop does not require any confirmation instead using the copy button, yes.
But is this behavior correct?
I was comfortable being able to choose..

If depends on your Preferences settings, as well as what you are dragging to where, but the prompt definitely still exists.

I set, "ask how to copy"
and drop the files into the root folder, and it never asks for it.

Although in fact, what should he ask for?
If I copy everything in the main directory it is a simple copy it is impossible to recreate a structure because it is already the one present.
The behavior is right ..

It only asks if you drag things from sub-folders when in flat view. (There are some other criteria, but that's the main one.)

If you're dragging from the root folder then the result would be the same either way, so it doesn't ask.

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