Drag and drop outside Opus

I can drag and drop files outside Opus, like on the desktop, but when I try to drag an image into photoshop, or another image program, it won't let me (i get the crossed circle).

Do you have any idea how to fix that? is it an Opus issue or a Windows issue. I can't figure it out.

I'm on Windows 10. Latest stable Opus.

Any help would be appreciated.

Works fine here with Photoshop.

It can depend on the image type, and the type of folder it is in. (E.g. Dragging from inside an archive may not work with some programs.)

Make sure neither program is run elevated (UAC) as well, as that blocks drops from non-elevated processes.

Photoshop is also picky about where you drop the file. If an image is already open in it, you have to drop on the small tab bar to open a new image, else you'll add the image into the existing one as a new layer.

Hi Leo,

I found that if I elevate Opus in temp mode (Administrator, lowercase), it won't allow me to drag and drop. However, if I start Opus in Admin mode (ADMINISTRATOR, uppercase), it will allow me to do it. I read that you don't recommend starting Opus that way, but for me unfortunately, the temporary way wont' work. Any idea why? you seem to say that it works on your end. No biggie, but I thought I'd let you know.

That means you’re trying to drop on a program that is elevated. Run the other program normally or you won’t be able to drop on it. Same problem will happen with drops from File Explorer.