Drag & drop from WinSCP not working for long folder path

Hi, I drag and drop some files in WinSCP from a server with sftp connection. If the local destination folder of the drop has a very long path, the files would end up in the parent folder, instead of the folder I dropped into.

For example, let's say I have a folder with path
C:\yyy\xxx\zzz (the total path length is 290 in my case)
I drag and drop a file to the folder zzz. It will actually end up in the folder xxx, which has a path length of 193 in my case.

It works fine if I drop the file into the Windows Explorer. I enabled long path support in the registry.

Opus itself doesn't generally care about path lengths, but lots of parts of Windows, other software, and libraries we have little control over can have problems with them (even when turning on Microsoft's half-baked registry setting). You WILL run into problems with them, in one program or another, and should shorten them.