Dragging Folders = Move? Instead of Copy

Hello there... I recently acquired Directory Opus 9 and I must say it's WONDERFUL.

However I can't figure out how to MOVE a folder/file by dragging... currently when I drag one item from one HDD to another it just copies instead of moves.... I looked everywhere in options... please tell me!!!

Thank you very much!

Holding the "Shift" button while dragging should Opus (and Windows Explorer) force to move. Holding the "Ctrl" button will force them to copy.

See the FAQ: Always MOVE or COPY files after a drag & drop

[ul][li]Drag-n-drop with the right mouse button (RMB) instead of the left button to bring up the 'Drop Menu' and select Move Here[/li]
[li]If you want drag-n-drop to always move instead of copy then you can edit the settings for this by going to Settings->File Types and in the 'File Types' dialog that appears, dbl-click on the All files and folders item under the 'Directory Opus File Types' category. In the 'Edit All files and folders' dialog that appears, on the 'Events' tab you should see the actions that are performed for the different drag-and-drop events... You could set the plain 'Drag-and-drop' event to run copy move...[/li][/ul]Edit: Didn't see Nudel's reply before I hit 'submit' - damn him and his ready-made FAQ's :wink:. Guess we should really use those since he spent time to make them... :blush: