Hi. If I insert a USB or SD and give it a label in Windows Disk Manager or Windows Explorer, that new name doesn't show in DO.
For instance, drive M below (Funny one) stays whichever new disk is inserted. Minor but annoying.
Cheers John
Hi. If I insert a USB or SD and give it a label in Windows Disk Manager or Windows Explorer, that new name doesn't show in DO.
For instance, drive M below (Funny one) stays whichever new disk is inserted. Minor but annoying.
Cheers John
Later post. It will upgrade if I exit DO and open it again, but not automatically when the window is open.
Does pushing F5 update the labels? Or closing and re-opening the folder tree (or the whole window)?
The change is reflected instantly for me, in Opus 12 beta at least. Tried with two local HDDs (one with BitLocker) and a local USB stick.
Make sure you are not running the entire dopus.exe process elevated via UAC, as that is one of the (many) things it would break by making it impossible for notifications to reach the elevated process. (If you're doing that, use the built-in UAC support and admin mode instead.)
Sorry Leo - forgot to reply. Looks like all's OK now - no reason (just a computer thing). Thanks for your input and suggestions. John.